Dowlada Imaaraatka oo ka hadashay lacagtii lagu qabtay Aadan Cadde Airport

Wararka Dibadda Wararka Maanta

Wasaarada Arimaha dibada Imaaraadka ayaa War saxaafadeed ka soo saartay lacagtii lagu qabtay Garoonka Diyaaradaha Muqdisho.

War saxaafadeed ka soo baxay wasaarada Arimaha dibada ayaa lagu sheegay In lacgta la qabtay ay aheed lacag Lagu caawin jiray ciidamadda Soomaliya. Warkaan Oo lagu Qoray Webseedka wasaarada Arimaha dibada ayaa dhanka kale lagu sheegay in howl wadeenadii lacgta waday lagu xadgudbay Sidoo Kale War Saxaafadeedka Waxa lagu sheegay In Ciidanka ilaalada Garoonka ay Rasaas ku rideen howl wadeenada.

Wasaarada Arimaha dibada Imaaraad-ka Ayaa sheegtay In Falkii dhacay uu ahaay Xadgudub ka dhan ah Qawaaniinta caalamiga. Waxeeyna Wax u dhibeysaa Sharciga diblomaasiyadeed Ee labada dal.

War-Saxaafadeedka oo Ku qoran luqada Englishka isagoo faahfaahsan halkaan Hoose ka akhriso:

The UAE has condemned the seizure of its civilian aircraft carrying millions of dollars by authorities in Somalia on Sunday.

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, said that the jet was seized at Mogadishu airport carrying US$9.6 million in cash allocated to support the Somali army and trainees.

The Ministry added that some those on-board the plane had been held at gunpoint and assaulted by Somali security forces. This action is an illegal step that “contradicts the established diplomatic norms and traditions between countries and is a serious breach of the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the two countries in November 2014,” it continued.

It went on to say that the UAE “deplores this violation of international law and norms, at a time when the UAE has provided all kinds of political, economic, military and humanitarian support in the darkest conditions to establish security and stability in the Somali Federal Republic.”

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