TOR – TVET Mid – Term External Evaluation







Mid – Term External Evaluation:


Technical and Vocational Education Training – Galkayo South TVET Project-Galmudug State titled “Promotion of employment of former pastoral women, men and youth” – Code: K-SOM-2020-0362.


1.     Introduction

Centre for Peace and Democracy (CPD with the support of German Federal Ministry of Development and Cooperation (BMZ)/Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe is implementing a market-driven Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) project targeting youth from vulnerable internally displaced people (IDPs) in Galkayo South District. The objective of the TVET Project is to improve access to market-driven skills training and employment opportunities for vulnerable young men and women. The TVET project is being implemented through Technical and Vocational Education Training Centers (TVET) in Galkayo South District of Galmudug State managed by CPD.

The intervention will collaborate with private sector small and medium enterprises to deliver vocational training and apprenticeships. The project is working with Galmudug Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MLSA) and Ministry of Education (MoE) and other stakeholders through a TVET working group in the region with the overall goal of formalizing the TVET sector and coordination under the lead of the line ministries.


CPD has identified all the TVET Stakeholders including NGOs who have implemented TVET projects in the past or have ongoing projects, TVET Centers and enterprises and with the leadership of Galmudug State „s Labor and Social Affair Ministry and Ministry of Education (MOE) the project held the first TVET stakeholder‟s workshop on the 4th – 8th July 2021 at Dhusamareb town. Apart from the two lines ministries (MLSA and MOE), and private business, the project also worked with various stakeholders including, private sector, TVET private enterprises, community segment groups (women, youth, elders, district local authority).


The primary focus is to have the youth gain market driven jobs and to earn an income above the national poverty line of 1.90 USD/ Day. DKH and CPD recognizes, as does the Government, that TVET cannot by itself ensure employment. Employment is a complex equation, where demand -driven TVET is an important element but employment- creating policies also play an important role, as does the direct involvement of the


private sector. Consequently, the relationship between the TVET sub-sector and the private sector will be strengthened at all levels. The project already developed 4 Market driven TVET curriculum Courses and translated into the Somali language. These are; Automotive Mechanic – Level 1, Electrical Installation – Level 1, Masonry – Level 1, Front Office Operations – Level 1.


After the development of the 4 courses curriculum indicated in above paragraph, the project trained 8 local trainers using the developed Curricula and pedagogical skills for 2 months (January and February, 2022) by 4 hired TVET Expert Trainers and later 110 dropout pastoralist trainees were selected and enrolled using a set of selection criteria and commenced training on the 1st March 2022 and continue for 10 months (March- December 2022).


Overall Objective:

The overall objective of the TVET Project is to improve access to market-driven skills training and employment opportunities for vulnerable young men and women.


The Project specific objectives:

Project specific objective Indicators Baseline Progress value
1. Women, men and young former pastoralists are employed in professions in which they were trained.  

1.1: 80% of the former pastoralists (10 women) trained in the first batch of training work

in the work sector trained.





To be evaluated towards the end of the



2. The economic situation of the trained men, women and youth former pastoralists has


2.1: 80% of the former pastoralists trained in the first batch of training earn an income

above the national poverty line ($1.90 per day)





To be evaluated towards the

end of the project




3. The acceptance for more women’s participation in qualified and market- oriented professions has increased among traditional and religious leaders, private companies and vocational training providers.

3.1: 60% of traditional and religious leaders, private companies, technical vocational education and training providers advocate for the participation of women in qualified and market-

oriented professions.










Need to be

evaluated by the MTE


3.2: 20% of traditional and religious leaders, private companies and vocational training providers advertise on radio for increased participation of women in certified and

market-oriented occupations.












Need to be evaluated by the MTE


The project outputs:

  • Output 1.1: An operational network amongst non-governmental TVET operators in South Galkacyo is set up and advocates for formalized dual vocational education with federal and state line ministries with improved job opportunities for women and
  • Output 2: Training content in basic curricula is established and a TVET center is set up; has trainers with improved quality training capacity and is equipped to train women, men, male and female youth in 3-4 market driven and government certified jobs.
  • Output 1.3: Drop out pastoralist women, men, female and male youth jobs are ensured beyond end of project through linkages and partnerships among TVET center and private


2.    Purpose of the Mid-Term Evaluation

With the strict guidance of the OECD evaluation criteria; Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Coherence and sustainability and impact, the overall purpose of this mid- term external evaluation is:

  • To inform CPD/DKH and other project stakeholders and partners on the progress in implementation, i.e the delivery of planned outputs and outcomes achieved as well as progress towards achievements of the respective objectives, while highlighting enabling factors and challenges encountered; measuring progress value against baseline data, Quality, application and acceptance of TVET curriculum; women and girls‟ participation in the training, project stakeholders engagement and participation in the TVET curriculum development, and advocacy towards women and girls participation in the TVET courses
  • To provide action-oriented recommendations on how to improve several aspects of implementation for similar projects in the future, and
  • To inform resource allocation for a future round of proposals, as well as to inform decisions on scaling-up, replication, and /or

The evaluation will therefore will feed into the future project design and implementation as well as future strategic planning of projects.



3.    Scope and Focus of the Mid-Term Evaluation

  1. Scope

The mid-term evaluation will cover the assessment of the key activities implemented during the duration of the project in the timeframe between Dec 2020 and April 2022. The evaluation will be guided by the indicative questions presented below and generate corresponding findings and recommendations aiming at improving project implementation and guiding the future strategic planning of Livelihood improvement for displaced pastoralists.

It will focus principally on the following aspects. The following indicative evaluation questions will be further refined during the inception phase of the evaluation:


b)   Relevance

  1. What is the relevance to the project context?
  2. To what extent are the project objectives and outcomes relevant to women, men, female and male youth?
  3. To what extent are the projects, activities and outputs aligned with the Project goals as captured in the proposal?
  4. In how far are selected training courses relevant to the market in Galkacyo South for women and men disaggregated. Does the programme, its outputs and outcomes display continued relevance to the CPD and DKH strategic plan?
  5. How were the Private sector contribution and engagement in the development of the market driven curriculum?
  6. Has the project been successful so far in supporting youth pastoralist dropout trainees in achieving TVET Market driven skills that will promote their livelihood? (need Gender and disaggregated view point)
  7. How appropriate and useful are the indicators described in the project document for monitoring and measuring results?
  8. Are selected women and men already engaged in a private sector?
  9. Has the former pastoralists (10% women) trained in the first batch of training work in the work sector If not, what needs to be done?
  10. The former pastoralists trained in the first batch of training earn an income above the national poverty line ($1.90 per day)
  11. How have the traditional and religious leaders, private companies, technical vocational education and training providers advocated for the participation of women in qualified and market-oriented professions? How many participated for each stakeholder? How did their participation contribute to women/girls participation?
  12. How is the project contributing to the formalization of vocational education structure?
  13. To what extent has the project worked with stakeholders (Government. Other NGOs and organizations and private sector) engaged in discourse and building the TVET Structure at both National and State level?
  14. To what extent has Certification of vocational skills is supported by competent authorities?
  15. Has the project established basic curricula of selected vocations? How about the quality of the 4 set curricula courses? and how are they relevant for the private sector and trainees?
  16. Is the TVET center functioning, safely accessible for women and men, and disabled friendly, and sufficiently equipped to provide quality TVET trainings for women and men?
  17. Have TVET trainers, including female TVET trainers, improved training and testing skills of basic curricula?


  1. how far both private enterprises and female and male youth find this type of practical training beneficial to acquiring skills and to better understand the newly learned in the TVET center
  2. Relevance of the curriculum for the trainees? (Easy to understand and follow?


c)    Coherence

  1. Coherence between this BfdW/ BMZ project to other donor / NGO TVET measure in the region
  2. Coherence of this project with the national TVET policies and delivery models
  3. Coherence of this project with inclusion (especially gender and people with disabilities)


d)   Effectiveness

  1. Are set objectives and outputs achievable?
  2. Has the management and governance structure (line ministries) put in place work strategically with the all the key stakeholders and partners and donor to achieve goals and objectives?
  3. Have youth pastoralist dropout trainees been successful so far in earning an income above the national poverty line ($1.90 per day)? If this is not achieved since the trainee are undertaking their trainings, please demonstrate if this is an achievable at the end of the
  4. Have the project approaches appropriately matched the capacity of the TVET institutions/partners for the actions? What measure are required to improve the capacity
  5. Is output delivery on schedule? Are there any delays? How can be explained the delay in delivery? What have been the main challenges in the delivery of these outputs?
  6. Objectives progressing towards target value?
  7. Are there any unintended / negative outcomes so far for project beneficiaries (disaggregated by gender)
  8. Which activities and use of the produced output were the most/least effective in contributing to the projects‟ objectives and why? What  are the common quality aspects and challenges? What would be the alternatives?
  9. What are the main factors that have facilitated or obstructed the achievement of outcomes?
  10. Are adequate monitoring tools and mechanisms in place, and functional? Do they allow communication and exchange of lessons learned?
  11. Have the existing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms contributed to the achievement of expected results throughout the project implementation and how have these been effective? How could these work better for future interventions in terms of TVET support?


  1. Has the project been implemented in a cost-efficient manner?


e)    Efficiency of resource use:

  1. How well are resources used (internally to a project and capacity to meet the goals, including staff and equipment) in regards to CPD?
  2. How well are resources used (internally to a project and capacity to meet the goals, including staff and equipment) in regards to TVET trainers (disaggregated by female and male)
  3. How well are resources used (internally to a project and capacity to meet the goals, including staff and equipment) in regards to TVET trainees (disaggregated by female and male)
  4. How well are identified risk assessed, monitored and managed?


f)     Sustainability & Impact of the project:

  1. What are the main factors that facilitate or hindering the sustainability of the outcomes of the projects and activities?
  2. How can sustainability of the project be ensured after project end?? How do the main stakeholders  plan  to  provide  sustainability  to  the  project‟s  results  in  the future?
  3. What are the main lessons learnt and best fit practices from the project that could be documented? And to what extent could the project be scaled up or replicated in other regions?
  4. What could be potential unintended negative outcomes (disaggregated by gender, age and diversity)
  5. How has the CPD contribution helped the project‟s result achievement?


4.    Methodology

The suggested methodology will include:

  1. An in-depth desk study analysis and mapping of all project documents, relevant material and resources, including:
    • The proposal;
    • Agreements;
    • Report on the Private Sector Scoping Mission for market driven Technical Vocational Education Training, Economic Viability of Identified Skills and Future Projections of the Job Market Demand in Galkacyo South
    • Narrative progress reports by the project teams;
    • Financial reports;
  2. Questionnaires and surveys addressed as appropriate to groups of stakeholders; Semi-structured Interviews, focus group discussions and meetings (in person, via skype and telephone) with project officers, and relevant stakeholders at CPD and DKH Office, donor representatives, and with various stakeholders; – to


gather substantial anecdotal evidence on the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance and coherence, sustainability & impact of the project objectives, outcomes, activities implementation and delivery, including respective indicators. The FGDs (segregated by Gender, Age and PwD) will serve as input for the narrative anecdotal evidence.

  1. Selected field visits to meet with the local stakeholders, beneficiaries and partners involved in the implementation of the TVET projects, including interviews with direct beneficiaries such as Private sector, trainers and trainees and to determine the relevance and effectiveness on the ground;
  2. Participatory workshops to steer the evaluation and to discuss findings and


While applying gender and inclusion lens, the Evaluator should come up with an appropriate and strategic sampling method such as snowball sampling, purposeful random sampling or mixed purposeful sampling methods.



5.    Expected Deliverables

The external evaluation consultant/team will be required to deliver the following key deliverables.

  1. Inception report: Inception report which will serve as an agreement between parties on how the evaluation will be, Items to address:
  • Appropriate validated draft data collection tools (e.g. methodological guidelines, group interview questions)
  • Raw data in any of the following statistical packages (STATA, SPSS, cSPro) and also transcribed qualitative scripts
  • Understanding of the issues and questions raised in the ToR
  • Refined evaluation questions: upon review of the available documents and initial discussion, the evaluator will develop a detailed analytical frame work of questions and sub-questions, based on the evaluation questions defined in this ToR, and consistent with Result-Based monitoring
  • Research methodology, including suggested sample and size
  • Schedule of activities and traveling (timeline)
  • Detailed budget
    1. Workshop for Presentation and Validation of Findings and Recommendations: to present findings and tentative recommendations to CPD/DKH.


  1. (Draft and Final) Evaluation report of 25 pages (excluding annexes) to be structured as follows:
  • Executive Summary


  • Summary Evaluation report highlighting the cross-cutting key findings, lessons learned and recommendations, including
  • Description of the Promotion of employment of former pastoral women, men and youth Galkayo South District, Galmudug project
  • Evaluation purpose
  • Evaluation methodology
  • Main findings (presented in terms of achievements and challenges)
  • Stories of change and quotes from respondents
  • Lessons Learned/ Best fit practices
  • Conclusions and Recommendations
  • Annexes
  1. Relevant maps and photographs of the evaluation areas where necessary; (Beneficiaries must sign consent form before taking photographs)
  2. Bibliography of consulted secondary sources
  3. Finalized data collection tools
  4. List of interviewees with accompanying informed consent forms
  5. PowerPoint presentation of preliminary findings to

6.    Indicative timescales:

The evaluation consultant /team will provide the deliverables according to the following indicative timetable:




Deliverables and Schedule

Payment Tentative Date Working

days indication

Selection of external evaluation team   By 10th June 2022  
Inception Report* (including the

evaluation methodology and detailed work plan)

30% of the total budget By 15th June 2020 5

Data Collection and Field visits

  By 20th June, 2022 4
Presentation of main findings and tentative recommendations to the



By 24th June, 2022


Draft mid-term evaluation report

30% of the total budget  

By 29h June, 2022


Final mid-term evaluation report

40% of the total budget  

By 2nd July, 2022

  100%   23 days


7.     Roles and responsibilities


Consultant CPD
–     Develop an inception report, detailing the methodology stakeholders to be interviewed, tools to be developed, time frame for the evaluation and budget. –        Provide all required background materials to the consultant in a timely manner.

–        Read and provide comments on the inception report including the proposed research methodology, the information gathering techniques and the suggested target sites.

–        Providing data/information for desk review

–     Holds the overall management responsibility of the review, including designing and carrying out the evaluation, drafting the final report and debriefing the project team and key stakeholders. –        Review and comment on deliverables

–        Provide guidance where necessary

–        Support logistics for the evaluation team where necessary

–        Facilitate contacts with key beneficiaries and line ministries

–        Arrange logistics and planning of the field research, supporting the evaluation team during field work and bring research team to the beneficiaries.

–        Liaise with CPD staff throughout the process, providing weekly updates and seeking their input and advice where necessary.

–        Request approval in case of deviation from budget, and for miscellaneous costs.

–        Provide guidance throughout all phases of execution, facilitation of the fieldwork, including interviews with local government, communities, etc.

–        Review and comment on draft report submitted by the evaluator i.e. preliminary reports and the final report, providing feedback to draft data collection tools and reports.

–        Review and provide feedback to the project evaluation report.

–        Approving all deliverables and facilitating access to any documentation (or any person) deemed relevant to the evaluation process.


  1. Required Expertise and Qualification

The consultant should have the following qualifications, skills and experience:

  • University degree in Development Studies, Social Sciences or equivalent qualification
  • Proven Understanding of TVET policy, standards and protocols
  • Proven Experience of evaluating TVET programs
  • Extensive experience in conducting surveys and knowledgeable in sampling methodologies
  • Experience in community-based development approaches / participatory
  • Excellent communication and reporting skills
  • Team Leader
  • Computer literate with skills on data analysis software
  • Good command of both written and spoken English. Proficiency in Somali language is an
  • Familiarity, ability and willingness to travel within Somalia and under armed


9.    Time frame and submission

The evaluation is expected to start in June 2022 with an inception phase followed by intensive data collection (desk review, interviews, and surveys), analysis and report writing. A workshop for presentation and discussion of preliminary findings should be conducted in 2nd week July 2022, and the final revised evaluation report should be delivered by 30th July, 2022.


Your electronic offer comprising of a technical proposal and a financial proposal, shall be sent to the following email address not later than 23rd June, 2022, Mid-Night:


For any requests for clarification, please write to CPD through procurement@cpd-


Note: CPD will only contact successful applicant.